A rotational camp will be built in the area of development of the Syradasay coal deposit

A rotational camp for 300 people with all the necessary infrastructure will be built by the end of October as part of the project of the Severnaya Zvezda company for the development of the Syradasay coal deposit in Taimyr. The project, which is part of the Complex investment project Yenisei Siberia, includes the creation of a surface coal mine, the construction of an enrichment plant and the formation of the necessary infrastructure, including a seaport, a road, a camp, a power station, an airfield and other facilities.

The materials and equipment necessary to start the installation of modular buildings have already been delivered to the port of Dikson from Arkhangelsk on board the Astrol-1 bulk carrier. In total, more than 6 thousand tons of general cargo was delivered to the Taimyr Peninsula, including special modules, from which the rotational camp will be assembled in the future, and foundation slabs. Besides, equipment for life support, power plants, a satellite communications center for providing Internet access were delivered.

 “The construction of the rotational camp will provide comfortable living conditions for the personnel working at the field,” said Stalbek Mishakov, director general of Severnaya Zvezda. - The complex will consist of hostels with all the necessary utility rooms with a total area of ​​1250 square meters and a dining area of ​​over 600 square meters. In the future, the rotational camp will expand. Now the foundation is being laid, after the completion of these works, specialists will arrive on the peninsula in order to assemble modular structures."

The remarkable thing is that the vessel also delivered additional vehicles, shift trucks, cranes, refueling complexes, spare parts, construction materials to Taimyr for the construction of the Yenisei seaport, a processing plant and other project facilities.

The Severnaya Zvezda project is carried out with state support from the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East, the Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic and the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it is included in the list of investment projects planned for implementation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, and has the status of a resident of the Arctic zone as well as a regional investment project (RIP).


Source: Metalinfo.ru